Thursday, 3 November 2016

Yoyo Diet Effect

Yo-yo dieting syndrome that arise as a result of the weight loss program at random not only have an effect on the number of scales alone. The study said the yo-yo dieting also be bad for health.

This syndrome Ongko Jansen said by nutritionists often experienced by those who love extreme diet, aka drastically cut food portions in order to get a slim body quickly.

"If you ever go on a diet extremes repeatedly, eating be careful because they may be unwittingly been stuck in this syndrome. The longer experience the yo-yo syndrome, the more difficult you lose weight," said nutritionist graduate of California State University, Los Angeles ,

In addition to these effects, nutritionist Karen Ansel and Jessica Cording also explained to the Daily Mail that one of the other effects of yo-yo dieting syndrome that continues the constipation.

"Constipation arise due to slowing metabolism. When food diasup little sudden, your metabolism slows down and digest less efficiently. This condition can continue even when the diet back to normal. This condition then leads to constipation," said Ansel.

Bad breath is also one of the effects of yo-yo dieting syndrome. In undergoing careless diet, people generally tend to reduce drastically the food choices and portions, although the weight and then go down, but in fact the body is forced to break up another fat to burn calories.

Well, this process produces chemicals called ketones, which are then made into a bad mouth odor.

As said by a previous Jansen, the longer the yoyo syndrome, you also become more difficult to lose weight in the future. The reason, as long as extreme diets do, disruption of hormones and body due to loss of muscle.

"Whereas any gender and any age person, the muscle is needed by the body because it is closely linked to the metabolic rate," he said.

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